

of documentaries and ethnographic films of all lengths

teasers, trailers and advertising video with documentary character

multimedia products

video, audio and podcasts, photography, textual work for web content and social media

project management

in digital communication and


cultural event

organization and curating of events with focus on diversity and sustainability


in content management and

conceptual work

public relations

communication and marketing


In 2015, Martina Pan founded the production company equivalent in Basel, Switzerland.

From 2015 till 2020, productions (reportages, short documentaries, image films, serial and transmedial formats) with an ethnographical approach were the specialties of equivalent. The everyday life and all its changes (social, cultural, medial) the main focus.
Diversity and plurality were (and still are) at the center of the work, and the moving picture was seen as a means of sustainable enlightenment throughout society.

In 2021, she expanded its services. Since then, she has also taken on selected assignments for cultural education, content management and multimedia communication.
She organizes various cultural events and panel discussions in the cultural sector.

»My family taught me that things and life are always at the mercy of ambivalence and finding a balance in everything is the recipe for a good life.«

She was born 1985 in the country near Basel-Stadt as the older of two children.

She studied Cultural Anthropology and Media Sciences at the University of Basel and Humboldt University zu Berlin. Within her studies, she focused on social changes, urban development, visual anthropology, film studies, ethnographic film methods, cultural diversity, media aesthetics and communication.

Her many years of work at the art house cinema kult.kino AG Basel retrospectively shaped her present work regarding film crucially. And through her subsequent function at TagesWoche, a hybrid newspaper, as head of marketing and co-responsible for communication and media partnership – and part of the executive board – led her to found her own film production company in 2015 called «equivalent». Within her work, quality and profundity belong to her strategical methods.

Inclusion and participation were also at the core of her doing as cultural program manager of various cultural organizations, events, festivals and concerts from 2006 until 2014 in Switzerland and Germany.

Among others, she has been working with the University of Basel and the Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) and award winners Reto Caduff and Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf.

Since August 2021 she’s responsible for the digital communication at the Museum der Kulturen Basel and produces content in the form of videos, podcasts, photographs and writes for the blog of the house or for exhibitions.

She also worked with the Polyfon Festival Basel 2022 and was responsible for a diverse and sustainable program around music. Together with various actors from NGOs and (cultural) politics, she organized workshops and lectures that focused on raising awareness.

Since 2023, she does the public relations, communication and marketing for the BAFF! Internationales Figurentheater Festival.

She is politically active and a member of the «Comitato degli Italiani all’Estero» and of the executive board of the «Vario» - association

Martina Pan lives in Basel-Stadt and is a mother of two children.



Documentary film about Switzerland's colonial entanglements | in development and financing | project with Elisa da Costa and Reto Ulrich

| research and  financing |

From Privilege to Responsibility: Restitute?!


 Documentation of the ceremonies, restitution

and events surrounding

the return of the dhulu |

commissioned by Aiatsis

| in post-production |

DOP Basel Martina Pan

«dhulu, returns»

Work within the Museum der Kulturen Basel

Short documentation about the restitution of 48 object of the Vedda communities of Dambana, Sri Lanka« 

| in post-production | 

48 Objects

Work within the Museum der Kulturen Basel

Provenance research: An initiative of eight museums: research and dialogue with Nigeria | As a museum employee and filmmaker I’m part of the film team in Switzerland and producer of another exhibition film (extended version)

| released and in  production |

Benin Initiative Schweiz (BIS)

An serial, ethnographical, transmedial project about cultural diversity

| research and  development |

About Cultural Diversity


 «thulu ugal, song tree» (2022/2023)

Through a ceremony performed in December 2022 in Basel, Brian Martin and Alfred Priestly, members of the Kamilaroi people, and Bradley Webb, a Bundjalung man, reconnected theancestral tree with the communities at home. In doing so, they initiated a process aimed athealing and renewing the relationships. The Kamilaroi people wish for the tree to come homeand have submitted a request for restitution. A return would offer possibilities for change: from a Place of removal and trauma imparted to the people towards relationality andresponsibility of the involved institutions.

Work within the Museum der Kulturen Basel | As a museum employee and filmmaker I was allowed to be part of the film team and to film the smoking ceremony here in Basel. The film is shown in the exhibition «Alive – more than human worlds» and in the Museums Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, from Sept. 2023 till 2025

Simon Rose and Brian Martin | Melbourne (Australia) / Basel (CH) | 2023 | short film, 12 min, in collaboration with MKB | DOP Basel Martina Pan

Latest Insight (2023/2024)

work within Museum der Kulturen as responsible Digital Communication 

«Ritschas da l’Aua» (2021)

A performance in the mountains of Switzerland as contribution to the «Global Water Dances».

Read more under

Commissioned film by Martina Pan|(CH) | 2021 | short film, 5 min | supported by Kulturförderung Graubünden, Raiffeisen Bank, Banca Canutnala Grischun, Zernez Nationalpark, EKW OEE and Global Water Dances | cinematography Martina Pan

«Trans[per]form» (2020)

An experimental documentary about a performance in progress of an inclusive dance group and the symbolic of stairs with the grande finale at the stairs of the Kunsthalle Basel and the Swiss Architecture Museum S AM within the Wildwuchs Festival.

The mix between documentary and experimental film allows for an immersion to the very bottom of the essence. There you can find tangible images, perceptible sounds and the perception of the possible and the impossible as well as the (re)thinking about a more inclusive society.

In house production by Martina Pan | with Sound and a musical carpet by  P.Noir | (CH) | short film, 30 min | cinematography Martina Pan and Maria Müller

«Blindenhundschule Allschwil» (2020)  

Training videos of assistant dogs at Blindenhundschule Allschwil, an insight

12 commissioned videos by Martina Pan | (CH) | 2020 | 12 short films, each around 1 min | cinematography Martina Pan and Maria Müller

«Tamalpa Selbstportrait Performance - eine Dokumentation» (2019) 

A documentation about the German school of Tamalpa teaching the dance methods of Anna and Daria Halprin 

Commissioned film and production by Martina Pan |  Freiburg (D) / Basel (CH) | short film, 30 min | cinematography Martina Pan and Petra Eischeid

«About Cultural Diversity - The Albi Cafe» (2019)  

A documentary about a three-day ethnographic journey through Tel Aviv - a test pilot

In house production by Martina Pan | Tel Aviv (ISR) / Basel (CH) | short film, 28 min |cinematography Martina Pan

«Wildwuchs Festival» (2019)

Teaser and cinema advertising about the biennale theater festival in Basel

Commissioned production | (CH) |cinematography Martina Pan and Maria Müller

«Leben als Kleinwüchsige – Wirtin Olga Jutzeler trotzt ihrem Schicksal» | Reportage | SRF (2019)

A portrait about a 81 year old woman, who is 1.32 high and still manages a restaurant in the middle of Switzerland 

A Film by Monika Zech und Reto Caduff | broadcast for »Reporter« of the Swiss radio and tv (SRF) | (CH) | 22 min |

Editor/Montage Martina Pan

«Blue earth – the 4 elements and dance» (2018)

An experimental movie with dancers of Tamalpa by Anna Halprin dancing a tribute to nature

A Film by Petra Eischeid and Frank Soma |  (D) | short film, 30 min |  DOP Martina Pan

«Sensability» (2018)

A documentation of an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the issues of inclusion

Commissioned production |(CH)| cinematography Martina Pan and Maria Müller

«Vom Heuschlitten zum Ferrari» (2010)

A journey through the ethnographic film in Switzerland – Collage for the 550 years anniversary exhibition of the University of Basel

Conceptual film | production within work as a tutor at the University of Basel | (CH)| Editing/Montage Martina Pan

Work within studies

  • «Taking Care With Chairs» (2017)  – A documentation about a street-art-city-freedom-performance in Basel
  • «Herbst» (2017)One possible answer for the imbalance in a natural colorful world

  • «Jesses Bar» (2011) – A portrait about a bar keeper 

  • «Plattfon Record Store» (2010) – A portrait about a little vinyl record store in Basel in the digital age

  • «Die Kraft von Feuer und Wasser» (2010) – A collage about moving images in Swiss amateur films from the 20th century

  • «Fantasy Bar» (2009) – A short-documentary about the start of the smoking ban by comparing the handling
    of it in two cities – Basel and Berlin